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指南針通路(納斯達克:CMPS) IPO投資論文證明了迷幻藥|來源:wps投資羅盤通路IPO標誌著第一wps流動性事件。wps投資於羅盤通路係列B與創始人基金和McQuade /大塚。指南針通路為wps IPO標誌著第一個流動性事件。紐約,2020年10月01日(全球通訊社)——wps投資,先鋒生物技術風險投資基金專注於大腦健康和迷幻藥,慶祝其投資組合公司的IPO成功的指南針通路。2020年9月18日,羅盤途徑上市(納斯達克:通過型號:US20451W1018),使其成為第一個迷幻公司在美國交易所上市。CMPS´s每股價格已飆升逾100%以來初始清單17美元的價格,將其轉化為最有價值的和第一世界上獨角獸迷幻藥公司。指南針途徑,由喬治·戈德史密斯和幾年前創辦Ekaterina Malievskaia經曆過的痛苦影響抑鬱在他們自己的家庭。Lars基督教王爾德他們著手開發裸蓋菇素(神奇蘑菇中的活性化合物)在難治性抑鬱症患者的使用。指南針通路目前二期試驗的2021年FDA應該帶來可喜的成果。wps投資於羅盤通路係列B與創始人基金和McQuade /大塚。 Compass Pathways IPO marks the first liquidity event for WPSS. In addition, WPSS has recently made other investments in revolutionary treatments and cures for neuropsychiatric disorders. These include Perception Neuroscience, a start-up that is developing r-ketamine as the safest rapid-acting antidepressant in the market, and ATAI Lifesciences, a neuropsychiatric company with the broadest portfolio of psychedelic compounds. The mental health crisis is one that has been present throughout recorded history and has intensified in past decades. One in ten people currently suffer from a psychopathology and it is estimated that between 30-50% of the world population will suffer from a mental illness at some point in their life. The isolation, loss and uncertainty felt during the COVID-19 crisis has served to further highlight the magnitude and importance of this parallel, silent epidemic. It is estimated that severe mental illness shortens life span by 10 -25 years The yearly global direct and indirect cost of these diseases is estimated to be $2.5 trillion. Although neuropsychiatric disorders are both widespread and costly, treatments available are scarce and highly ineffectual. For example, about 30% of depression patients do not respond to any currently available treatment. New treatments are desperately needed and psychedelics are paving the way to a new era of mental health. Sonia Weiss Pick, Co-Founder at WPSS Investments, says “Psychedelics have been used by humans as tools for healing for millennia. Ample clinical trials have shown that these compounds are both safe and non-addictive if used correctly. Additional studies are being conducted to establish its full therapeutic potential and the mechanisms by which they act on the body. I am convinced that psychedelic medicine will forever change our understanding of brain health.” About WPSS Investments WPSS Investments is a Venture Capital fund focused on finding the most revolutionary diagnostics, treatments and cures for neuropsychiatric disorders. Founded and led by an entrepreneurial investment team, WPSS provides funds early stage companies led by business savvy scientists and engineers with a drive to change the world. WPSS’ Investments span psychedelic medicine, non-invasive devices, novel biomarkers and diagnostics, amongst others.
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新的嗎? |
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來源 |
10/14/2021 |
一個係列 |
Alto神經科學 |
32美元 |
是的 |
能力的合作夥伴,Apeiron投資集團,風險和回報,蒂姆·肯德爾,未披露的投資者,如果企業,溫德姆合資公司合作夥伴,和wps投資 |
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9/27/2021 |
一個係列 |
3/3/2021 |
D係列 |
11/23/2020 |
C係列 |
7/30/2020 |
兌換的注意——四世 |
日期 |
10/14/2021 |
9/27/2021 |
3/3/2021 |
11/23/2020 |
7/30/2020 |
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一個係列 |
一個係列 |
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C係列 |
兌換的注意——四世 |
公司 |
Alto神經科學 |
量 |
32美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
能力的合作夥伴,Apeiron投資集團,風險和回報,蒂姆·肯德爾,未披露的投資者,如果企業,溫德姆合資公司合作夥伴,和wps投資 |
來源 |
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