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2020年12月2日山納斯卡領1.7美元輪Heru,墨西哥個人金融和財政管理平台獨立的工人,與蓬勃發展的參與企業,岩漿夥伴,YCombinator, Xtraordinary合資企業的合作夥伴。(新聞稿)——Heru,一個新的啟動,提供了第一個綜合數字工人服務平台在墨西哥,今天宣布它已經籌集了170萬美元計劃風險融資。圓是由山納斯卡與蓬勃發展的參與企業,YCombinator,岩漿夥伴,Xtraordinary Venture Partners和天使投資者傑森·埃文斯,尼古拉斯·吉拉德和亞曆杭德羅Galvez。Heru於去年5月由馬特奧Jaramillo Stiven羅德裏格斯。他們一起工作在哥倫比亞和墨西哥的超級五年,幫助建立和成長超級的操作在拉丁美洲。“雖然我們目睹了演出經濟的轉換通過擁有權等數字服務應用程序,我們意識到這群工人需要一整套服務和福利除了移動應用程序,連接他們的工作機會。“在拉丁美洲,有1.45億個獨立的工人占了大約40%的勞動力人口。這些人沒有訪問服務或產品來滿足他們的需求或工作條件,或者如果他們這樣做,他們太貴了。大部分的演出人員在拉丁美洲生活在大城市的郊區,每天通勤上班。他們花費大部分時間在街上沒有一個地方,他們可以感到安全,往往被公眾拒絕。他們通常不允許聚集在人行道上或在公園,拒絕進入衛生間,被警察和當地企業對待。 This is why Heru’s physical locations (Heru Casas) have become crucial to their wellbeing. Within the Heru app, independent contractors can find access to tailored insurance policies, working capital and credit, tax-declaration products, financial guidance, cell phone data plans and much more. Heru is also forging new partnerships including one with UberEats to sign up its Loyalty Program partners in the app so they can have discounted access to the Heru Casas and the rest of the services. In just six months, Heru has attracted more than 19,000 registered users to its service platform. However, the market opportunity and the social need is vast. “The COVID-19 pandemic caused an economic recession, and therefore accelerated the growth of independent gig workers to more than 12 million in the Latin American region,” said Jenny Johnston, investor at Flourish Ventures. “We invested in Heru not only because the founding team has created a very timely business model, but also because the company will have a lasting benefit on the economy, enabling greater financial health for millions of independent workers.” With the latest funding, the founders plan to expand the team, continue building B2B2C partnerships with key gig-work-based platforms in Mexico, and double down on the development of Heru digital services so they can reach a broader audience. “There has never been a better time for a full-service gig worker platform like Heru to launch. The number of digitally connected people seeking work and services is at an all-time high, as are the number of companies seeking to engage these individuals,” said Jaime Zunzunegui, Managing Partner at Mountain Nazca. Mateo and Stiven spent the past six years serving digital workers at Uber and they are the ideal team to create value on both sides of the marketplace. “As founders we were fortunate to be part of that first wave of companies that helped build what we know today as the tech-enabled gig-economy by helping launch Uber in the region back in 2013. Today we are proud to lead the second wave of companies who are now building products and services to serve that growing economy of independent workers,” said the founders. Mountain Nazca Leads US$1.7m Round in Mexican Personal Finance Startup Heru was last modified: December 8th, 2020 by cramos
Xtraordinary Venture Partners的投資
Xtraordinary Venture Partners2投資。他們最新的投資英傑華作為他們的一部分計劃在2022年12月12日。
Xtraordinary Venture Partners的投資活動
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12/20/2022 |
計劃 |
英傑華 |
2.2美元 |
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4 |
12/2/2020 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
12/20/2022 |
12/2/2020 |
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種子風投 |
公司 |
英傑華 |
量 |
2.2美元 |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
4 |