低成本的熱感攝像機使用Arduino七59在DIY電子領域,Arduino UNO出現了無數的項目作為一個通用的平台。就是這樣一個創新項目建立一個低成本的熱相機,瓦茨拉夫·Krejci提出來的,也被稱為“upir”在YouTube上。Krejci教程視頻指導觀眾如何構造一個紅外攝像機使用Arduino UNO,一個紅外傳感器AMG8833, SunFounder 8×8 RGB LED顯示屏。熱相機是無價的工具檢測熱量,肉眼是看不見的。他們發現效用在廣泛的應用中,從自定義PCB組件識別過熱檢測汽車尾氣頭不均勻加熱。Krejci設計負擔得起的,但提供了一個8×8的決議,這是最大的輸出AMG8833紅外傳感器陣列。DIY Arduino熱感攝像機而決議似乎低數碼相機標準相比,它不僅僅是滿足熱相機可以執行簡單的任務。設備的功能類似於一個非接觸式溫度計,顯示64點的熱檢測。這允許它來確定熱集成電路芯片和輕鬆大熱電流。複製Krejci紅外傳感器模塊的設計,您需要一個Arduino UNO Rev3板、一個AMG8833紅外傳感器模塊,和一個8×8 RGB LED矩陣。 The device collects 64 values from the infrared sensor and uses them to set the hue of each pixel in the LED matrix. The Colorduino library, which allows pixel colors to be set using the HSV (hue, saturation, value) model, simplifies the process of adjusting the color by changing the hue of each pixel. The AMG8833 infrared camera sensor, a compact and streamlined 8×8 infrared thermal sensor array, truly stands out in the realm of thermal imaging. Once hooked up to your microcontroller, be it a Raspberry Pi or any other compatible device in this case an Arduino microcontroller, it delivers 64 distinct infrared temperature data points using I2C. Its user-friendly, simple design makes integration a breeze. Notably, the AMG8833 surpasses its predecessor, the AMG8831, in terms of performance. The sensor communicates exclusively via I2C and features an adjustable interrupt pin. This can be set to activate when the temperature of any single pixel exceeds or falls short of your predefined threshold. Detecting human presence Capable of detecting human presence from an impressive distance of up to 7 meters (or approximately 23 feet), the AMG8833 is an ideal choice for constructing your own human detector or compact camera. Remarkable results have been accomplished using this cutting-edge sensor, in combination with either compatible I2C communication devices or Raspberry Pi. Thanks to the image processing capabilities of the SciPy python library on the Pi, we are able to impose an 8×8 grid and yield truly impressive results if you go down the Pi route. Whichever platform takes your fancy the end result is an LED display that presents a heat map, with cool areas depicted in blue and hot areas in red. Despite the low resolution, each pixel boasts impressive precision. In the second part of the video, Krejci further demonstrates how to achieve a much larger resolution of infrared images by using the InfiRay P2 Pro infrared camera. This tutorial offers a cost-effective solution for those seeking to build their own thermal camera. The project not only showcases the versatility of the Arduino UNO but also the potential of low-cost DIY electronics in creating useful tools. Jump over to GitHub to download the source code to create your very own Arduino infrared camera without breaking the bank.