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分享這篇文章提供的新聞安吉劉接收技術的女人2023年獎傑西卡雜誌,香港最暢銷的女性的月刊,榮譽安吉劉Forkast實驗室香港,6月12日,2023 / EINPresswire.com——安吉Lau,著名記者兼聯席Forkast實驗室,全球Web3數據基礎設施公司,已獲得科技2023年的女人傑西卡雜誌,香港最暢銷的女性的月刊。該獎項旨在表彰Lau女士對商業領域的貢獻和覆蓋率Web3技術和她的努力創新未來數字經濟的報告工具。科技女人獎反映了她的影響力在世界各地的動態景觀Web3工作,指導和貢獻,她提供給女性。今年1月,安吉Forkast領導。新聞into a merger with CryptoSlam, a leading NFT data aggregator, to form Forkast Labs. Since then, the firm has launched the “ S&P 500 of NFTs ,” launched a new weekly news and analysts show called Forkast IQ, and most recently announced a global partnership with The Sandbox to index the metaverse. Lau's leadership at Forkast enabled the company to become a trusted platform for global audiences seeking insights in web3, crypto, and digital assets. With her expertise and commitment to journalistic integrity and deep expertise, Lau has led Forkast Labs to become a trusted source for professionals in and outside the industry. Upon receiving the Tech Woman of the Year award, Lau expressed her gratitude, saying, "I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from JESSICA Magazine. This award is a testament to the collective efforts of our entire team, who work tirelessly to build data infrastructure that helps make Web3 on-chain data useful and bring the most relevant and accurate stories and insights to the world. I am incredibly proud to be part of an industry that fosters innovation and financial inclusivity, and I am humbled to be acknowledged for these contributions." Jessica Ng, Executive Vice Chair of South China Media Group said, “Angie embodies the spirit of why JESSICA started honoring incredible women since 2000. She inspires with her leadership and defines what a modern leader should be — to lead with empathy, perseverance, and inspiration.” JESSICA Magazine, renowned for its coverage of career, business, and lifestyle topics, has been a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for women across Hong Kong and beyond. The magazine's Tech Woman of the Year award seeks to shine a spotlight on exceptional female leaders who have broken barriers and made significant strides in their respective fields. As a recipient of this award, Lau joins a distinguished group of past winners, including prominent figures who have made lasting contributions to the tech industry. Her selection as Tech Woman of the Year further solidifies her status as a thought leader and role model for aspiring women in technology. About Angie Lau: Angie Lau is a veteran journalist, broadcaster, and entrepreneur. With over two decades of experience in leading news organizations like Bloomberg TV, Lau has been at the forefront of covering global financial markets, emerging technologies, and the ever-evolving blockchain industry. In 2018, she co-founded Forkast, a groundbreaking media platform that has become a trusted voice in the world of blockchain, crypto, and emerging technologies. Today she is co-CEO of Forkast Labs, and Editor-in-Chief of Forkast.News. About Forkast Labs: Forkast Labs is a global web3 data infrastructure and media company founded in 2023 through the merger of CryptoSlam and Forkast.News, both established in 2018. The mission of Forkast Labs is to index web3 by organizing all web3 data, make it useful, and usher in waves of new participants into the digital economy. All indexes are powered by the company's massive multi-chain organized dataset, and its trusted team of journalists provide data-driven clarity and transparency to the rapidly evolving digital economy. Forkast Labs PR