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合並後的公司將以Rubicon Technologies Inc.的名義運營,並由Rubicon董事長兼首席執行官Nate Morris領導。Rubicon Technologies Inc.是一家位於肯塔基州列克星敦的為廢物和回收行業提供軟件的公司,該公司宣布已完成與方正SPAC的合並。合並後的公司將以Rubicon Technologies Inc.的名義運營,由Rubicon董事長兼首席執行官Nate Morris領導。從8月16日起,Rubicon的A類普通股和認股權證將分別在紐約證券交易所交易,代碼分別為“RBT”和“RBT WS”。在8月2日舉行的股東大會上,方正股東批準了這筆交易。在當天的會議上,對企業合並案的表決中,97%以上讚成通過合並案。方正股東還批準了會議上提交的所有其他提案。莫裏斯說:“成為一家上市公司是Rubicon向前邁出的巨大一步,將提升我們的平台和產品,同時進一步加快我們的使命,通過對廢物和回收類別的重新設想終結浪費。”“我用1萬美元的信用額度和刷爆信用卡創辦了Rubicon,從那時起,我們的產品使我們的客戶和運輸合作夥伴能夠做出數據驅動的決策,從而導致更高效、有效的運營和更可持續的垃圾處理結果。這一價值主張使Rubicon得以大幅擴大我們的平台規模。作為一家資本充足的上市公司,我們有能力進一步擴大我們的技術,以改造價值2.1萬億美元的全球垃圾和回收市場。” As a result of the transaction, Rubicon raised $196.8 million in gross proceeds, consisting of funds from Founder's trust account and PIPE investments. This is after redemptions and before the payment of transaction fees and expenses and amounts payable under Founder's previously disclosed forward purchase agreement. Rubicon says it intends to use the proceeds to capitalize on significant future growth from organic and inorganic opportunities and continued investment in new software development. Moelis & Co. LLC acted as exclusive financial adviser to Founder. Cohen & Co. Capital Markets Financial Group LLC. acted as financial adviser to Rubicon. Cohen & Co. Capital Markets and Moelis & Co. LLC. served as placement agents to Founder. Jefferies LLC served as capital markets adviser to Founder. Canaccord Genuity and MKM Partners served as capital markets advisers to Rubicon. Winston & Strawn, LLP served as legal adviser to Founder. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP was legal adviser to Rubicon. Alliance Disposal, a sustainable waste removal company based in Jersey City, has recently announced expansion into Florida. The company says this expansion is part of an effort to update the waste and recycling industry across America by providing modern solutions and incredible support to customers and suppliers of all sizes. According to a news release from Alliance , the company will rollout of its service to the metropolitan areas of Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa and Miami between Aug. 1 and Sept. 1. Alliance Disposal says it equips customers with applications to manage waste and recycling needs and supplies its partners with hardware and software to improve hauling efficiency and sustainability. The company says Florida cities are booming, with a 67 percent homeownership rate, almost 3 percent above the national average. There has also been a growing need for modern waste management services. Teams at Alliance Disposal have identified areas of opportunity for growth and partner with haulers in Florida that are equally dedicated to efficiency and environmental sustainability in the waste management industry. The company now partners with more than 25 waste haulers in Florida, providing dumpster rentals, recurring trash and recycling removal for businesses and soon curbside trash and recycling collection for homeowners. With this most recent expansion, the company is now partnered with more than 200 haulers across the East Coast, supporting local businesses and the jobs of those they employ. “We are dedicated to providing Floridian home and business owners with a simple and affordable way to reach their waste disposal goals, and workers in the industry with a way to earn a steady income and achieve environmental sustainability,” says Joseph DiNardi-Mack, Alliance Disposal’s co-founder and CEO. “These Florida launches are a major phase in our national expansion and our first venture into the Southern US.” Alliance Disposal closed its first round of funding in May and has since then grown from its home market of New Jersey into Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Washington, D.C.
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