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ESP集團首席執行官Simon Smogur最近領導了該公司的一次MBO,他預計2023年行業進一步整合的機會。斯莫格:在短期工作中看到了噴墨的機會,你能從2022年的經驗中吸取什麼積極的經驗?2022年為ESP提供了對未來的敏銳關注,使我們能夠回答圍繞業務基本戰略的重大問題。它也幫助我重新認識到關係的重要性,無論是客戶、員工還是供應商。你認為通貨膨脹的影響加速了什麼趨勢(商業或技術)?就像最近所有戲劇性的經濟變化一樣,趨勢通常就是趨勢!你必須篩選趨勢,了解基本麵市場的哪些方麵已經或將會發生變化。業務;與往常一樣,價格遊戲比正常的短期工作更加突出。這是由於通貨膨脹而導致預算緊縮的地方。 However, a strong relationship helps mitigate some of these issues. Technology; would love to say something fancy here. But the technology trend must be digital/inkjet printing to capitalise on those shorter runs. What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2023 and why? Consolidation of the market! What are your hopes for 2023? Besides getting my squat back up to pre-Covid levels! The world just normalising a little, not too much as I quite enjoy the challenge of the chaos! What piece of advice do you wish you had been given in December 2021 to prepare you for the year you’ve just had? Buy a warehouse and fill it with plates! What was your word or phrase of the year in 2022? Living the dream day by day! Dollar by dollar! What, if anything, will you do differently in 2023? A lot, it’s a new year with completely different challenges. What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke? I can envisage a lot of people answer this question by Googling it! So here you go straight off Google: Why can't the Christmas tree stand up? It doesn't have legs.
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