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黃色類,在線ed-tech平台,提高了6美元Mn在一個首輪私募融資輪中由海拔資本與現有投資者的參與印度商,泰坦資本和支票。其他投資者包括Vidit Aatrey(聯合創始人Meesho),阿塔爾(創始人Indifi),維韋卡南達Hallekere(聯合創始人,反彈),Maninder Gulati(全球方案、歐)阿Sinha(首席運營官,歐),Dhruv《(CEO, PropTiger)和阿爾文謝霆鋒(印尼國家主任,小米)。公司將使用資金用於改善產品體驗(父母和孩子),開發更全麵的內容,建立品牌知名度,招聘的領導角色在產品、技術和工程垂直,開車在500多個城市擴張在印度和國際市場。2020年11月,它提高了$ 1.5 Mn種子輪由印度商。成立於2020年6月通過古普塔和Arpit米塔爾,黃色類是印度最大的免費目的地課外和課外學習課程,合並樂趣和學習兒童3 - 12年的40歲以上年齡組,類別,如藝術、工藝、舞蹈、瑜伽、一般知識、邏輯推理等等。Anshul和Arpit推出了該公司的目標提高可訪問性的各種課外課程嶄露頭角的年輕的學習者。平台的在線模式確保方便孩子們從他們的家園。這些類是由導師完成,包括有影響力的人,專業人士,甚至名人,在經過嚴格的選拔過程。每個類是同時參加了多達10000名兒童,AI的遊戲化層通過交互式chatbot連同數字讓他們參與活動,如民意調查和測驗。自成立以來,已經有超過100萬名兒童參與超過1.5億分鍾的學習和類(集體)。 Anshul Gupta and Arpit Mittal, Co-founders, Yellow Class, in a joint statement said, ”In the last 10 years, there has been an exponential rise in the time spent by children passively consuming online content—which is extremely harmful to their growth. Studies have shown that more than 100 million Indian kids below 13 years of age spend an average of 100 hours per month on YouTube and other similar platforms. Parents are actively looking for better, interactive alternatives that would be beneficial for their child’s cognitive growth. With Yellow Class, we are creating a new category in the ed-tech space. Easy to access, fun, interactive classes that kids love. Now children can spend their time in active learning and hone new skills. We aim to serve 10 million monthly active users on YellowClass platform in a year from now. We are actively looking for top talent who can lead the growth of YellowClass to serve this large market.” The extracurricular segment in India has grown steadily in recent years and is expected to reach a size of $5.8 Bn[1] in 2021. Today, this is a fragmented market mostly catered to by smaller localized players without any standardization in quality. Since most school curriculum and infrastructure do not focus enough on holistic child development, parents are keen on finding alternative and easily accessible options (preferably online) to encourage hobbies and other activities among their children. Traveling long distances for a class is a major inconvenience too and limits the options as parents need to manage their work/home lives and time. The long hours of commute also restrict the number of activities children can explore. Further, as screen time continues to rise among Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha children, parents are amenable to replacing the time spent on videos online with more productive and educational content. Yellow Class addresses these pain points of access to quality extracurricular education in various categories, through its superior online format, while remaining cost-effective and scalable. Through strong word of mouth, the company has grown 18X in the last six months and plans to work towards experimenting with new categories of extra/co-curricular classes, such as musical instruments and sports. They are also enhancing user value by offering classes in vernacular languages, driving social peer-to-peer engagement and ensuring deeper progress tracking to become the largest global early-learning community for children. Commenting on the funding, Deepak Gaur, Partner, Elevation Capital, said, “Given the increasing importance of holistic development, extracurricular learning represents one of the fastest-growing sectors in ed-tech. Yellow Class offers the widest range of extracurricular activities for children through live-streamed classes with a gamified AI layer that builds interactivity and engagement. Anshul and Arpit’s journey as they built and scaled the platform in a matter of six months is truly an inspiration.”
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
11/14/2022 |
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Selligion技術 |
0.37美元 |
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1 |
7/27/2022 |
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8/17/2021 |
一個係列 |
10/10/2020 |
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8/20/2020 |
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日期 |
11/14/2022 |
7/27/2022 |
8/17/2021 |
10/10/2020 |
8/20/2020 |
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一個係列 |
天使 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
Selligion技術 |
量 |
0.37美元 |
新的嗎? |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |