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遠程醫療公司形象:二十八二十八衛生提供負擔得起的訪問和方便生殖和性健康,今天宣布,它在項目前期已經籌集了830萬美元資金。圓包括多個導向基金:RH首都Seae企業,影響發動機,智慧的美國,“星塵”股權,感謝鐵路,加州醫療基金會,佩恩Medicine-Wharton基金健康、參天橡樹風險資本,和戰略天使投資人包括安德烈奧斯特洛夫斯基,前美國醫療補助計劃的首席醫療官和依琳娜Onitskansky,前高級副總裁&莫利納策略主管。二十八健康的許多之前的投資者也參加了一輪,包括SteelSky企業,第三,市政廳,薑餅資本,藻類的合資企業。“遠程醫療已經令人難以置信的潛力,提高醫療保健,但數據顯示岩石健康和美國預防醫學雜誌》上,使用遠程醫療在美國主要是由富裕的美國人生活在城市地區,”艾米說粉絲,二十八的聯合創始人的健康。“二十八健康無視這一趨勢是第一個女性的虛擬醫療平台支持病人的全譜,專注於包容照顧包括低收入個人和BIPOC社區醫療水平組。創始人之一”布魯諾Van Tuykom二十八健康,“二十八健康超過55%的用戶來自低收入家庭,58%確定BIPOC和超過60%之前沒有獲得規定的生育控製方法。有了這個新的資金,我們期待著向世界展示遠程醫療可以發揮重要作用在擴大獲得公平的保健。“2018年12月推出以來,二十八健康已采取各種措施增加獲得基本衛生保健的女性缺醫少藥社區,包括:構建平台設計為缺醫少藥社區的包容性:二十八健康利用多個遠程醫療模式,包括音頻和直接傳遞與醫生協商,提供隱私,自由裁量權和無縫體驗無論個人的訪問高速互聯網或住房情況。專注於購買力:今天,三分之一的醫生在美國不接受新醫療補助的病人。二十八健康接受醫療補助計劃的29個州是可用的。此外,他們與非營利組織合作,提供免費的醫療保健服務個人金融需求。 Creating capabilities to service rural America: Twentyeight is expanding access to women’s healthcare across rural America, where nearly two thirds of patients live in primary care deserts and maternal mortality rates are 1.6x higher when compared to urban areas. Providing accessible ongoing care: Twentyeight Health provides ongoing care at no extra cost through unlimited doctor follow up messages to discuss issues such as updating prescriptions or addressing potential side effects. Working with culturally competent physicians: In order to ensure that everyone feels comfortable using Twentyeight Health’s telehealth services, the company works with physicians who have experience providing care to low-income patients and in BIPOC communities. Infusing charitable giving into business model: Twentyeight Health provides free birth control for uninsured women in financial need through a partnership with Bedsider’s Contraceptive Access Fund, and donates 2% of revenues to Bedsider and the National Institute for Reproductive Health. “As a board certified physician still practicing and with a lot of Medicaid experience, I love how much Twentyeight Health is focused and designed for underserved communities,” said Andrey Ostrovsky, former Chief Medical Officer of US Medicaid Program. “I am impressed by the impact they have had to date and I am excited to see how much positive change — on access, health outcomes and cost savings — they will bring to payers and their members.” Twentyeight Health has raised this funding during a time of significant growth for the company. Over the last two years, Twentyeight Health has expanded across the U.S. — growing from six to 34 states and covering more than 85 percent of women of reproductive age. Twentyeight Health also launched a Spanish language platform to make its telehealth services more accessible for over 40 million native Spanish speakers in the US, and expanded its telehealth services beyond birth control to herpes treatment, prenatal vitamins, and the morning after pill. Twentyeight Health will use its new funding to continue to grow its geographic footprint, expand payer partnerships, and provide additional women’s health care services. You May Also Like
安德烈奧斯特洛夫斯基了1投資。他們最新的投資二十八健康作為他們的一部分種子VC - III在2023年2月2日。
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2/13/2023 |
種子VC - III |
二十八健康 |
8.3美元 |
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