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威廉16秒前0”在短短三周內,我們自豪籌集近600萬美元的實話實說,“帶比爾Palatucci總統在一份聲明中說。“這隻是一個起點,我們有信心,我們的捐贈者基地將成為州長的消息推動共和黨繼續大行其道。“克裏斯蒂是視為一個長鏡頭從黨贏得提名牢牢地掌握在唐納德·特朗普盡管多個指控前總統的。雖然克裏斯蒂勝任第一個共和黨辯論8月23日,他的輪詢平均是2.4%,據RealClearPolitics,光年前的特朗普的54%。但克裏斯蒂一些引人注目的表達捐助者的支持,那些來自黨的主流,如前總統候選人羅斯·佩羅和特朗普的兒子對外聯絡部主任安東尼斯卡拉。超級PAC最大的捐贈100萬美元,從SHBT有限責任公司位於丹頓的德克薩斯,根據聯邦選舉委員會。實話實說收到三個捐款500000美元,根據傭金。他們來自理查德•獵隼的首席執行官新澤西連鎖超市ShopRite商店;沃爾特·巴克利,一位退休的投資者;和捍衛民主在一起,倡導組織由著名的特朗普共和黨批評人士法案克裏斯托爾和蒂姆·米勒。超級PAC還收到了7 250000美元的捐款,包括從珀和11個捐款100000美元,包括從烏鴉,斯卡拉姆齊和斯卡拉姆齊的投資公司,人行天橋資本。 Other six-figure donations came from hedge fund managers Cliff Asness, Stanley Druckenmiller and Bruce Kovner. Murray Kushner and his New Jersey-based company, KRE Property Management, each donated $10,000, according to the FEC. He is brother to Jared’s father, Charles, and also donated to Christie’s 2016 and 2024 presidential campaign. Tell It Like It Is spent nearly $428,000 during the reporting period, leaving it with around $5.45 million on hand. Much of this spending was on media advertisements, email and text messaging services. The Christie campaign said it was “well ahead” of its fundraising pace during the former governor’s bid in 2016, raising more than $1.6 million in its first 25 days. It ended the quarter with $1.6 million in cash and debt-free, “reflecting a lean, modern and responsible operation,” the campaign said. Politico Not all news on the site expresses the point of view of the site, but we transmit this news automatically and translate it through programmatic technology on the site and not from a human editor. William 16 seconds ago