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Optery——公司提供一個免費的服務尋找你的個人數據數以百計的數據代理網站——宣布了額外的270萬美元的種子資金和規模現代化的個人消費者和企業數據保護。這一輪融資——這將有助於Optery加速產品增強和擴大團隊——由Bayhouse資本創始人參與全球資本,Goodwater資本,先鋒基金,Soma首都TRAC, Y Combinator和其他人。這讓Optery總資金日期為600萬美元。去年,聯邦調查局的互聯網犯罪投訴中心收到800944宗投訴,投訴總計103億美元的損失。從2018年到2022年,總抱怨是326萬和總報告損失為276億美元。網絡釣魚是最常見的威脅到目前為止,增加投訴從2018年到2022年,“碳足跡”代表了11倍。這些數字可能低估了問題的範圍,盡可能多的罪行未被報道的受害者。Optery的自動退出軟件刪除個人信息從互聯網上減少網絡釣魚攻擊的表麵積,社會工程、騷擾、欺詐、阿黴素。釣魚,社會工程,身份盜竊,甚至騷擾而容易數據經紀人公開網上發布個人信息,如電話號碼和家庭地址。Optery被稱為第一家提供免費報告數十個截圖顯示你的個人信息被公布在網上。 Plus Optery can also automatically remove you from these sites, clearing your home address, phone number, email and other personal information from the Internet at scale. The company also offers the service to businesses, assisting IT teams with scrubbing employees’ personal information from the web to reduce threats to the business. Tens of thousands of users also rely on Optery to prevent attacks and keep their personal data off the internet. Optery’s founders are Lawrence Gentilello, Chen Atlas, and Dekel Barzilay, Optery’s CEO, CTO, and VP R&D, respectively. And Gentilello worked in the consumer data space for a decade at Oracle, BlueKai and Accenture and was the victim of identity theft himself before starting the company. Many in the industry fear generative AI technologies like ChatGPT (if used maliciously) have the potential to increase the exploitation of consumer data. And Optery’s patented search technology can pinpoint hundreds of data broker sites posting an individual’s personal data and then automatically packages up screenshots of the exposed profiles into an exposure report delivered to the user for free in under an hour. One can then reach out to those sites individually to opt-out, or sign up for an Optery paid subscription, which automates the opt out process and re-scans the sites monthly to ensure the data isn’t repopulated. KEY QUOTES: “Exploitation of personal data remains one of the most pressing issues of our time and is a key enabler for all kinds of bad actors online. We immediately recognized the growing need for software that manages personal data rights and that Optery’s approach – grounded in automation – is far more accurate and scalable than anything else out there. We’re excited to work with Lawrence and the Optery team to modernize personal data removal and protection.” — Michael Stuenkel, Founder and CEO at Bayhouse Capital “I’ve seen firsthand the ways data brokers exploit personal data, and the impact of that exploitation on a person’s life,” said Gentilello. “Until Optery, there was no way to automate the identification and removal of personal data from the hundreds of data brokers out there. Existing options could only reach a subset of the data brokers Optery covers or relied on manual removal methods that are time consuming and error prone. Optery’s technology enables us to solve this problem at scale, and aims to make a big dent in bad actors’ ability to hijack personal data for gain.” — Lawrence Gentilello, CEO “With the rise of AI, and its voracious appetite for data, consumers need a platform like Optery that puts them in control and manages their data rights at scale.” — Chen Atlas, CTO
Bayhouse資本了4投資。他們最新的投資Optery作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年5月5日。
日期 |
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公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
5/8/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Optery |
2.7美元 |
是的 |
Bayhouse資本,全球資本創始人,Goodwater資本,先鋒基金,Soma資本,TRAC,未披露的投資者,和Y Combinator |
6 |
4/26/2023 |
B - III係列 |
1/24/2023 |
種子風投 |
5/26/2022 |
種子 |
日期 |
5/8/2023 |
4/26/2023 |
1/24/2023 |
5/26/2022 |
輪 |
種子VC -二世 |
B - III係列 |
種子風投 |
種子 |
公司 |
Optery |
量 |
2.7美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
Bayhouse資本,全球資本創始人,Goodwater資本,先鋒基金,Soma資本,TRAC,未披露的投資者,和Y Combinator |
來源 |
6 |