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歐洲投資銀行的投資與現有的資金來自於一個強大的國際集團的投資者,包括歐洲領先的零售商REWE集團,日本的財富100強企業伊藤忠,矽穀的伊克斯托資本和超級Garrett陣營的聯合創始人投資部門的擴張。通過X鏈接歐洲投資銀行(EIB)將提供一個€4000萬準股權投資Wingcopter GmbH,歐洲領導人和交付的無人機技術和相關服務的先驅。成立於2017年在德國黑森州Wingcopter電能的無人機已經交付貨物幾個小規模的商業和人道主義項目的一部分。例如,在馬拉維、合作項目與聯合國兒童基金會和法理社會傅̈r國際公司(她們)GmbH是一家代表德國聯邦經濟合作與發展部(BMZ)已經看到Wingcopter無人機提供拯救生命的藥物和醫療用品的偏遠地區的農村社區。歐洲投資銀行投資是由歐盟委員會InvestEU計劃在其可持續的基礎設施窗口。使用電動無人機提供急需的貨物可以取代碳密集型的運輸模式如摩托車、卡車和直升機,從而導致一個綠色轉型和可持續的經濟。歐洲投資銀行的投資與現有的資金來自於一個強大的國際集團的投資者,包括歐洲領先的零售商REWE集團,日本的財富100強企業伊藤忠,矽穀的伊克斯托資本和超級Garrett陣營的聯合創始人投資部門的擴張。在一起,將使投資者承諾Wingcopter擴展旗艦無人機的功能,在關鍵市場獲得監管部門的批準和部署其無人機在可持續交付最後一英裏的規模網絡成為全球物流服務提供商跨多個行業。副總裁Ambroise Fayolle EIB說:“歐洲是目前全球領先的清潔技術,我們必須努力保持領先。支持歐洲清潔技術先驅與Wingcopter這樣的全球影響力是我們的使命的核心。 Electric cargo drones are an important vertical segment for a future of sustainable transport and logistics. This investment underlines our commitment to supporting entrepreneurs growing and building advanced green technology businesses in the European Union, strengthening our technological competitiveness, creating highly skilled jobs and opening up new markets, while preserving nature. We are proud to be supporting this European success story.” The Wingcopter 198 is expected to be operated for the first time in Germany this summer when Wingcopter launches a pilot project in southern Hesse to test the potential of on-demand transport of groceries and other consumer goods. The project’s goal is to improve local supply in rural German communities through a sustainable delivery service and will be conducted together with the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. Tom Plümmer, co-founder and CEO, Wingcopter said, “We would like to thank the European Investment Bank for their trust in us and their support as we strive to become a global leader in the drone-based delivery of urgently needed goods, from medical supplies to groceries. Our goal is also to improve lives by creating many jobs — in R&D and manufacturing at our headquarters in Europe, as well as in the countries where we provide services, where we train and qualify local young people to operate our drone delivery networks. It requires strong partners like the EIB to build reliable, efficient and safe delivery drone technology and logistics services.” Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy said, “This agreement is an excellent example of how InvestEU is helping businesses access the finance they need to innovate and expand. InvestEU will continue to support investment that will allow Europe to maintain its position as a world leader in the development and production of innovative products with positive real-world applications.” What makes Wingcopter’s cargo drones truly unique is their ability to take off and land vertically while flying quickly and efficiently over long distances like an airplane without the need for expensive infrastructure. They can carry up to 5 kg and cover distances of up to 100 km. The core hardware and software is patented worldwide. Already running on pure battery power, the Wingcopter team, together with Hamburg-based ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research GmbH, is currently developing a green hydrogen energy system to power Wingcopter's drones for even longer flight times. Tags:
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5/3/2023 |
種子風投 |
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12美元 |
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9/23/2021 |
A - II係列 |
Wingcopter |
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7/19/2021 |
天使 |
Allosense |
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9/29/2020 |
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10/24/2018 |
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