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公司的移動應用程序和審查技術人員對業主提供無縫服務利弗莫爾,加州11月11日2021——普爾斯技術,領先的隨需應變的家庭維修服務平台,今天宣布投資1500萬美元,因為他們發射設備保修到他們的移動應用程序的解決方案。Hanaco領導的一輪融資,風險投資,將使保險市場現代化而使業主能夠訪問完整的保修選擇設備。預先存在的保證程序是由傳統保險公司提供的客觀緩解問題的最便宜的方式往往與客戶的渴望得到及時、專業、一站式服務的服務。但是,通過使用預測算法,普爾斯平台為每個工作選擇最好的技術人員,為客戶創建一個更好的體驗和技術人員。普爾斯保修計劃利用公司的即時回家修複基礎設施來簡化用戶體驗,減少了典型的1 - 2周等待期隻有1 - 2天。“家保修項目是至關重要的,61%的美國人不能一個意想不到的1000美元。可用的技術人員在市場的衰落,普爾斯提供了一個端到端解決方案,從保證覆蓋服務經驗和效率,使用戶能夠解決任何appliance-related問題僅僅是點擊一個按鈕,“加比貝利說,普爾斯公司的首席執行官。“對技術人員來說,普爾斯提供了一個一站式服務,擴大他們的網絡和簡化發現,調度,每天與客戶和溝通。”Currently, the Puls community has access to 7,000 vetted technicians, servicing 18 major cities across the U.S. Their data-driven platform utilizes predictive matching technology to provide customers with same or next day service, all while pairing technicians with customers to assure that the job is completed accurately and efficiently. "We believe that customer experience is of paramount importance in the home insurance market," said Lior Prosor, General Partner and Cofounder of Hanaco Venture Capital. "We are proud to enable Puls' ability to merge the service and insurance industries for the first time. In addition, we are eager to see Puls utilize data-driven technology in order to improve customer satisfaction." About Puls Puls Technologies offers Home Appliance warranty and on-demand home repair service solutions across the U.S. Using predictive algorithms and data-driven technology, Puls supplies home appliance services by connecting customers with highly skilled and vetted technicians, providing quick and efficient services within 1-2 days of the request. Offering TV mounting assistance, home appliance repair, handyman services, smart home installation, garage door repair, and plumbing services, Puls aims to make quality installations and repairs effortless, to ensure customer satisfaction. Contact:
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1/26/2022 |
C係列 |
獵豹 |
60美元 |
沒有 |
6 |
12/16/2021 |
D係列 |
InFarm |
200美元 |
沒有 |
27 |
11/22/2021 |
B係列 |
Vesttoo |
15美元 |
沒有 |
18 |
11/16/2021 |
B係列 |
11/11/2021 |
Unattributed VC |
日期 |
1/26/2022 |
12/16/2021 |
11/22/2021 |
11/16/2021 |
11/11/2021 |
輪 |
C係列 |
D係列 |
B係列 |
B係列 |
Unattributed VC |
公司 |
獵豹 |
InFarm |
Vesttoo |
量 |
60美元 |
200美元 |
15美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
沒有 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6 |
27 |
18 |