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2021年1月25日:Mailmodo,交互式電子郵件營銷軟件為企業提高了美元270 k計劃輪融資的泰坦首都Firstcheque, Gameskraft, Angellist和其他字幕組的投資者包括Archit Gupta,迪帕克Diwakar,嚴厲的國王和其他人。Mailmodo幫助企業創建互動中電子郵件從郵件營銷獲得更好的投資回報。聯合創始人Aquibur拉赫曼Apurv古普塔和Devyesh Tandon想出的主意Mailmodo當Google發布了加速移動頁麵(AMP)公開的電子郵件。AMP郵件允許任何業務動態組件添加到電子郵件,顯示實時數據使用api。以前這是不可能的,它肯定是電子郵件營銷的未來。目前使用的客戶來自不同的垂直行業。Mailmodo的客戶聲稱收到高出3 x轉換從交互式電子郵件活動比他們從舊的模板。Mailmodo的使命是簡化電子郵件營銷,最大限度地轉換為企業無縫的和簡單的電子郵件閱讀器體驗。Aquibur談論收到的資金,聯合創始人兼首席執行官,Mailmodo說,“AMP郵件允許營銷者創造中體驗在電子郵件和它使無縫的用戶采取所需的行動。人們檢查他們的電子郵件當旅行,看電視,或者在電梯在繁忙的日常生活。他們沒有時間和注意力打開電子郵件,點擊鏈接,進入網站,和采取其他步驟來完成所需的行動。 Thus interactive app-like emails help marketers to get better conversion rates.We are elated to have gotten the support from the investors who not only provided us with their financial support but also are mentoring us in our journey." Bipin Shah, partner at Titan Capital, "Despite the radical change in web technologies over the past two decades, emails have been the same more or less. I believe Mailmodo’s no-code platform for creating AMP email has the power to revolutionize email marketing and customer interactions." Kushal Bhagia, CEO - Firstcheque.vc, "Email as a marketing and communication channel is still one of the most important touchpoints marketers have with customers. We are very excited by MailModo's AMP-based product that allows marketers to go a step further now and build interactive experiences for users within Email, leading to far superior conversions!" Over the last nine months, Mailmodo has developed beyond just an email creator to a full-fledged email marketing platform providing email creation, campaign management, automation, journey builder, API triggers and integrations with several marketing tools. Mailmodo will be using the investments to build the founding team, product development and make the product available to the global market. Share this article:
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來源 |
1/18/2023 |
計劃 |
Podeum |
1美元 |
是的 |
2 |
11/29/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
Intugine技術 |
2.2美元 |
是的 |
1 |
2/4/2022 |
種子風投 |
Eekifoods |
2美元 |
是的 |
7 |
10/20/2021 |
種子VC -二世 |
4/2/2021 |
天使 |
日期 |
1/18/2023 |
11/29/2022 |
2/4/2022 |
10/20/2021 |
4/2/2021 |
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計劃 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子風投 |
種子VC -二世 |
天使 |
公司 |
Podeum |
Intugine技術 |
Eekifoods |
量 |
1美元 |
2.2美元 |
2美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
2 |
1 |
7 |