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Reask,風險數據公司應用人工智能(AI)來解釋和預測全球極端天氣條件,今天宣布它已經籌集了總計6.55美元的投資資金。最近的4.6美元的種子輪被Mastry企業和協作共同基金,從Macdoch參與投資和現有計劃投資者騰訊,與計劃投資者SV天使和Hawktail。Reask提供高分辨率氣候風險分析和預測計算極端天氣事件的嚴重程度和頻率在地球上,隨時隨地。跨多個來源的氣候數據,通過應用人工智能Reask提供專有的天氣氣候物理建模算法,學習提供動態大氣風險的前瞻性陳述。這種方法提供了重要的見解和智慧保險公司和資產管理公司,需要更準確的天氣災難預測但是僅限於不可靠和不適當的方法基於靜態曆史統計數據。Reask及其技術的重點是熱帶氣旋,造成超過1萬億美元的全球總經濟損失在過去的十年。不到50%的經濟損失投保。熱帶氣旋造成的損失的嚴重程度與氣候變化預計將進一步惡化,全球組織驚人的和不斷增長的威脅。”能夠準確預測和衡量熱帶氣旋的行為一直是極大的挑戰,尤其是考慮到他們與氣候和複雜的互動傾向破壞地麵觀測設備,”傑米羅德尼說Reask的首席執行官。“組織需要一個清晰的看法極端天氣是如何改變的,所以他們可以充分準備任何影響他們的實物資產,基礎設施,商業模式,和客戶。 Our goal is to bring this information more quickly and efficiently to people and industries so we can help those who need it most and before there is an urgent need for help.” “Ballooning industry loss rates, most recently underscored by State Farm & Allstate’s complete withdrawal from new policy issuance across home and commercial lines in California, illustrate why new approaches to extreme weather risk management must be adopted,” says Co-Founder and General Partner Sam Landman at Mastry Ventures. “Reask’s team has spent years investing in their technology platform, which has now been validated by many of the world’s most sophisticated leaders in risk analysis. We’re excited to see the continued adoption of their product across the insurance and financial services industries and believe the company is well positioned to become the new standard.” The global insurance industry directly requires more dynamic extreme weather forecasting to price risk. Other industries including financial services, logistics, real estate, and natural resources also need better climate models to analyze hazards. With its latest funding, Reask will add more hazard coverage and grow its team internationally to better service customers in these growing markets. “Our mission at Collab has always been to support businesses and technology that are pushing the world forward,” says Guy Vidra, Partner at Collaborative Fund. “Reask’s ground-up, physics based approach to climate analytics technology makes it possible to predict the outcomes and risks of extreme weather, allowing insurers to prepare themselves and others for the worst. We’re thrilled to support the Reask team as they continue to build out their capabilities.” “I’m excited to continue working with Reask to develop innovative methods for better understanding and quantifying the risks of natural hazards like tropical cyclones [and wildfires],” says Daniel Swain, climate scientist at UCLA. “Using approaches deeply rooted in physical science are critical in producing reliable estimates that can keep up with a warming climate, so the Reask approach is one that’s designed for today’s challenges.” People In This Post Funding News News News Fintech TV
Hawktail了13個投資。他們最新的投資Reask作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年6月6日。
日期 |
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公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/15/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Reask |
4.6美元 |
沒有 |
3 |
6/13/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Gridware |
10.5美元 |
是的 |
2 |
6/12/2023 |
種子風投 |
各種生物 |
5.2美元 |
是的 |
4 |
6/2/2023 |
種子風投 |
12/8/2022 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
6/15/2023 |
6/13/2023 |
6/12/2023 |
6/2/2023 |
12/8/2022 |
輪 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
Reask |
Gridware |
各種生物 |
量 |
4.6美元 |
10.5美元 |
5.2美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
3 |
2 |
4 |