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最新的Jaynti Kanani新聞
在Dribbble上多邊形實驗室圖片來源:今天,多邊形實驗室宣布,為了關注ZK Ethereum的擴展,並調整更緊密地與Ethereum的路線圖,效果將從多邊形實驗室被完全剝離。利用協議共同創造者Anurag Arjun,戴頭盔的效果從一開始的發展,正多邊形的實驗室和將成為成功的唯一的管家,將繼續引領項目在一個單獨的、獨立的和自籌資金的實體。多邊形的生態係統的一部分,多邊形實驗室與核心價值觀緊密聯係在一起,其中一個是分權。權力下放的承諾一直以各種方式證明,驗證器和有協議開發分散,比如最近發布的許多基於隱私權協議黃昏進入公共領域。效果成為一個獨立、自籌資金項目是朝這個方向邁出的一步;它將使生態係統發展更加分散的同時使多邊形實驗室專注於其核心活動和項目。Ethereum-alignment是另一個重要的價值和指導原則多邊形實驗室和嵌入在多邊形協議。通過釋放效果,多邊形實驗室成為能夠遵循這一原則更緊密地將焦點轉移到Ethereum-native數據可用性的努力。Ethereum-native數據可用性解決方案具有獨特的屬性和代表Ethereum利益,所以多邊形實驗室將支持更多的前進。最直接,這意味著支持eip - 4844的即將實施,Ethereum路線圖的一個重要組成部分。 Avail as a standalone layer will be better positioned to play a leading role in bringing modular blockchain architectures to market and enabling any Web3 project to scale. Avail will sit in a new entity led by Anurag and his team to continue developing Avail as a protocol-agnostic, open-source, and community-owned project. The spinoff is a win-win. Avail will benefit from being developed autonomously in an innovative and independent manner. Polygon Labs can increase Ethereum-alignment and focus on developing scaling products, a portfolio that already includes the Polygon PoS chain, three zero-knowledge solutions (Polygon zkEVM, Polygon Zero and Polygon Miden), Polygon Supernets and a number of smaller efforts. Anurag co-founded the Polygon protocol with Sandeep Nailwal and Jaynti Kanani in 2017, and he was instrumental to Polygon Labs in helping grow Polygon into a vibrant ecosystem that is home to some of the biggest Web3 projects in the world. In order to focus full attention on Avail, Anurag will be stepping down from Polygon Labs and Polygon Foundation. “The Polygon protocol would not be what it is today without the leadership and technical vision of Anurag,” said co-founders Sandeep Nailwal and Jaynti Kanani in a joint statement. “While his considerable intellect and energy will be missed at Polygon Labs, this isn’t a goodbye. With Avail, Anurag will be solving a scalability challenge that is key to our shared mission of accelerating the mass adoption of blockchain technology.” "It fills me with immense pride and gratitude to have been a part of the talented team that brought a wave of Web3 adoption. I want to thank Sandeep, Jaynti, and Mihailo for their unwavering dedication and support," said Anurag Arjun. "The growth of modular blockchain architecture will be critical to powering the next phase of Web3. The Avail team looks forward to helping developers realize their full potential and serving the broader ecosystem, including the Polygon community." You can continue to follow Avail’s journey here . And be sure to check the Polygon blog and tune in to our social channels for the latest on the Polygon ecosystem.
Jaynti Kanani投資
Jaynti Kanani了19日投資。他們最新的投資AnotherBall作為他們的一部分天使在2023年5月5日。
Jaynti Kanani投資活動
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
5/16/2023 |
天使 |
AnotherBall |
2.2美元 |
是的 |
3 |
10/12/2022 |
一個係列 |
Nxyz |
40美元 |
是的 |
4 |
7/27/2022 |
種子 |
Interality |
是的 |
阿爾文謝霆鋒,Jaynti Kanani,Maninder Gulati,山姆Shergill,和未披露的投資者 |
1 |
7/26/2022 |
種子風投 |
6/30/2022 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
5/16/2023 |
10/12/2022 |
7/27/2022 |
7/26/2022 |
6/30/2022 |
輪 |
天使 |
一個係列 |
種子 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
AnotherBall |
Nxyz |
Interality |
量 |
2.2美元 |
40美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
阿爾文謝霆鋒,Jaynti Kanani,Maninder Gulati,山姆Shergill,和未披露的投資者 |
來源 |
3 |
4 |
1 |