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得克薩斯州奧斯汀市| 2023年5月10日上午需要東部時間8圖,為電子商務企業連續資助和管理平台,宣布關閉係列B一輪融資1.4億美元股票和信貸安排由科赫顛覆性技術(KDT)從現有投資者參與電池企業,Localglobe, Hetz, Jesselson家族和矽穀銀行,第一國民銀行的一個部門。這讓8無花果的總資金日期為1.965億美元。時許多在線賣家正艱難應對現金流危機由於搖搖欲墜的經濟條件和減少消費支出,8圖重點是直接導致其網絡的持續成功的電子商務企業。這包括將更多資金委托給金融電子商務企業和加強供應鏈管理平台在線賣家。8無花果為電子商務企業提供定製的融資計劃,根據他們的供應鏈優化和現金流需求加速增長。網上賣家可以管理他們的資金和彙款安排使用8無花果的平台,也為供應鏈管理提供了工具,財務規劃,貨運和物流協調。8無花果的基金支付增量和一個正在進行的基礎,並且是equity-free。使用從8無花果的平台,網上賣家可以快速、輕鬆地應對實時工業需求波動等變化和裝運延遲,並相應地可以改變他們的資金計劃,如果有必要的話)。”在這一時期的經濟不確定性,電子商務企業正在努力充分發揮他們的潛力,”說Yaron Shapira,聯合創始人兼首席執行官8無花果。“我們正在經曆的全球宏觀經濟挑戰使電子商務企業所有者很難成功訪問他們所需的資源。 8fig is providing these online sellers with the financial support and tools necessary to thrive in any economic climate. The latest funding round has proven that the market has great confidence in 8fig and the important role 8fig continues to play in the ongoing growth of ecommerce.” Since its inception, 8fig has delivered over $500 million in funding to online sellers. Its success has resulted in tremendous growth for the company, which increased its client base and annual revenue by 900% and 800% respectively in 2022. Over the same period, 8fig grew its global workforce threefold to 90 employees and further developed its platform’s capabilities, most recently releasing a mobile app version and a freight management and payment functionality. “8fig’s innovative approach to ecommerce, combined with its strong technology platform and experienced team, gives us great confidence in its potential for growth and success,” said Isaac (Itzik) Sigron of Koch Disruptive Technologies. “As ecommerce continues to expand rapidly, we believe that 8fig is well-positioned to address the evolving needs of entrepreneurs in this space. We look forward to working closely with 8fig to support its mission of helping ecommerce businesses thrive and scale.” With the latest round of funding, 8fig will expand its growth efforts and scale its funding capabilities to support an increasing number of ecommerce businesses – helping them to continue growing amid economic uncertainty. Additionally, the company plans to implement enhanced financial management capabilities with new banking solutions and cash flow prediction models that will include alerts and insights based on business performance, as part of its quest to become a one-stop shop for ecommerce business management. 8fig is also collaborating with ecommerce marketing agencies on a financial tool to evaluate their clients’ cash flow requirements and mitigate risks by providing alerts and actionable insights. About 8fig 8fig was co-founded by Yaron Shapira (CEO), Assaf Dagan (CTO), and Roei Yellin (CRO) in 2020. The founders, all serial entrepreneurs, worked together at several successfully acquired startups in the consumer app and fintech space. Their experience in supply chains, payment systems, and risk management highlighted the need for an ecommerce solution for small and medium-sized business owners struggling to manage their cash flow and grow their businesses. 8fig’s operations are based out of Austin, Texas and Tel Aviv, Israel.