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最新的Kirthiga Reddy新聞
GuardianLink, 360°數字具有收藏價值的生態係統的推動者,宣布增加Kirthiga Reddy的顧問團隊。這是在在關鍵時刻GuardianLink旗艦平台跳。貿易是準備推出其賽車RADDX賽車metaverse metaverse遊戲。ANI |欽奈(泰米爾納德邦)|更新:01-03-2023 39是|創建:01-03-2023 38是Kirthiga Reddy在Jump.trade加入團隊的顧問。圖片來源:ANI:分享GuardianLink, 360°數字具有收藏價值的生態係統的推動者,宣布增加Kirthiga Reddy的顧問團隊。這是在在關鍵時刻GuardianLink旗艦平台跳。貿易是準備推出其賽車RADDX賽車metaverse metaverse遊戲。Kirthiga Reddy,斯坦福大學的MBA學位和一個女士在錫拉丘茲大學的計算機工程,有區別的第一位女軟銀投資顧問的投資夥伴,130美元b +軟銀視覺基金經理。她也是第一次員工Facebook的印度,並擔任董事總經理Facebook印度和南亞。她嚐試的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Virtualness Web3平台,與任務Web3訪問創造者,全球品牌、體育、媒體和娛樂。“我們激動Kirthiga Reddy加入GuardianLink作為一個顧問,”拉姆庫瑪兒Subramaniam說GuardianLink的首席執行官和創始人之一。“她的熱情Web3協作和社區參與將寶貴的繼續增長和擴大我們的光臨! As a digital collectible ecosystem enabler, we are delighted to share our learnings and partner on infrastructure building and digital collectible utilities to fuel Virtualness' growth." Her strategic leadership helped make India one of the largest markets for Facebook advertising. Today, while the world is set to experience a transition from Web 2.0 to Web3 advertising with its focus on immersive Metaverse experiences, the prowess and experience of Kirthiga Reddy will come in handy for GuardianLink/Jump.trade and its leadership team to steer the games and metaverses forward in the right direction. "The spirit of collaboration is very strong in Web3," said Kirthiga Reddy. "I am a firm believer in the power of ecosystems for any large-scale technology transformation. It will take all of us working together to on-board the next billion users to Web3 as we deliver on the promise of the decentralized world. I am delighted to join GuardianLink's team of advisors at this inflection point as they double down on their foray into the metaverse." Kirthiga Reddy joining GuardianLink's Jump.trade is a testimonial of the commitment that the organization has towards creating delightful experiences for their community, to providing state-of-the-art solutions to brands and creators who look forward to creating an immersive and engaging presence in the Web3 world. This story is provided by BusinessWire India. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Advertisement
Kirthiga Reddy投資
Kirthiga Reddy了4投資。他們最新的投資Zamp作為他們的一部分天使在2022年5月5日。
Kirthiga Reddy投資活動
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5/23/2022 |
天使 |
Zamp |
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2/9/2022 |
天使 |
7/4/2016 |
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其他投資者 |
日期 |
5/23/2022 |
2/9/2022 |
7/4/2016 |
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天使 |
天使 |
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Zamp |
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