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殺現金應用創始人Bob Lee記得作為一名讓傑克·多爾西的編碼器


11點半我李,基本上是自學的,之前在Android上工作了穀歌麥凱維和多西招募了他加入廣場。他第一次構建了其主要的支付產品,然後創建了現金應用。——路透社兩個記憶的Bob Lee想到塊公司聯合創始人吉姆·麥凱爾維:他招募了他工作在聖路易斯的平方在他的婚禮上,和傑克多爾西李的編碼溢於言表的讚美之詞。“傑克,誰不是容易誇張,Bob Lee說世界上最好的Java程序員,”·麥凱爾維在一次采訪中說。“他有一個恒星技術聲譽,他有傳染性的熱情和信心。”李死在舊金山星期二淩晨動搖了海灣地區社區尊敬廣場前首席技術官和首席產品官MobileCoin盡可能多的技術實力作為他個人的善良和能源。“每個人都拜他,”馬克斯·羅茲說,曾與李在廣場。“他可以解決別人不能解決的問題。所有最好的工程師想和他合作。“李,綽號“瘋狂Bob”從他的高中天玩水球,後來成為一個投資者在羅茲的啟動做。“我不認為我將今天的我沒有他,”羅茲說。 Lee died after being stabbed multiple times in San Francisco’s downtown, in what the city’s top law enforcement official called a “senseless act of violence.” The police department said officers found a 43-year-old man with stab wounds after responding to a call at 2.35am, and the person later died at the hospital. Lee is survived by his family, including his children. “Bob would give you the shirt off his back,” his father Rick Lee wrote in a Facebook post about his son’s death. “He would never look down on anyone and adhered to a strict no-judgment philosophy.” Lee’s “Crazy Bob” moniker applied to his professional career, too. It wasn’t that he was irresponsible, McKelvey said. Rather, “he didn’t see the limitations so many of us perceive,” he said. “All pioneers are called crazy.” Lee, who was largely self-taught, worked on Android for Google before McKelvey and Dorsey recruited him to join Square. He first built out its main payments product, then created the Cash App. Dorsey shared a photo Wednesday of the first Cash App transaction Lee sent him in 2013: US$4 in honor of Square’s upcoming fourth birthday. “I remember him showing it to me and being so proud. He said ‘I’m going to give it to everyone,’” McKelvey said. “Bob wanted all people to have access to tools that only rich people had, and I remember how he basically hacked the financial system to make it happen.” Lee continued to focus on payments, first as an investor and adviser to crypto startup MobileCoin and then as its chief product officer. He helped launch its non-custodial crypto wallet to support private payments – a dream of his, the company said. “Bob was made for the new world,” said Joshua Goldbard, MobileCoin’s CEO. “He was the quintessential creator, leader, and consummate hacker.” McKelvey recalled his efforts away from coding as well, such as during the early days of Square when the team would occasionally spend afternoons walking around its offices in the San Francisco Chronicle building and cleaning up the streets. “He was literally a guy who used to get his teams excited to go pick up trash,” McKelvey said. “Bob Lee is one of the reasons San Francisco became the tech success it became.” Lee had lived in St. Louis and throughout the Bay Area before relocating to Miami in October. Friends have said that he was only visiting the city when he was stabbed. Lee’s murder has renewed criticism and calls for action on reducing crime in the city. San Francisco’s District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said so far no arrests have been made. “There’s a habit we all have to aggrandize people after they all die and use superlatives in retrospect, but if Bob Lee was sitting next to me right now, I would say the same thing,” McKelvey said. “That man had just tremendous ability and great energy, and he should be alive. It’s just surreal.” – Bloomberg Article type: free










