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編輯:維吾爾族移民需要關注邁克爾•德裏斯科爾在聯邦調查局的紐約辦事處稱為“公然違反我們的國家主權,”兩個中國男人據說成立一個秘密警察局。車站顯然執行等公共服務幫助中國更新他們的中國駕照。它還幫助中國政府定位中國血統的權利倡導者,北京等服務。德裏斯科爾是對的:這樣的活動是違反我們的主權。紐約不是唯一的城市有這些海外“警察局”設置,。辦公室已報告在許多國家,包括在北美和歐洲。特工的工作據報道試圖識別、恐嚇和壓製異見海外生活,宣傳親華。針對紐約被捕的消息,Ghulam Yaghma流亡政府的主席東突厥斯坦——維吾爾族的名稱為中國新疆地區——呼籲美國政府不僅解決中國間諜和跨國鎮壓在美國,但所有的維吾爾族和其他東部Turkestanis。盡管中國共產黨(CCP)重複的批評其他國家侵犯或幹涉中國主權和國家管轄範圍內,它是有罪的製裁,策劃或直接參與這些事情,在所謂的跨國抑製。它在兩個層麵:通過建立物理“警察局”海外未經授權,並通過招募或海外派遣人員恐嚇中國共產黨認為異見人士和他們的家庭“說服”他們返回中國。 Research conducted by the University of Sheffield in the UK for a report, titled We know you better than you know yourself: China’s transnational repression of the Uyghur diaspora, shows that the Uighurs who participated said they had experienced some form of Chinese surveillance, apart from those whose families had already been imprisoned, and almost all had been asked to conduct surveillance of other Uighurs on behalf of the Chinese police. They reported pressure to inform on other members of the community, under threat of harm to family members living in Xinjiang. About two-thirds of Uighurs surveyed “have been directly threatened and experienced threats to their family while living in the UK,” and this was the case for about 80 percent of Uighur respondents living in Turkey, the report said. China considers “all citizens, former citizens and their family members, regardless of location, to be under its legal and moral jurisdiction,” and that its “transnational repression globally exports its domestic model of governance and genocidal oppression,” it said. The persecution of Uighurs is nothing new; the CCP has been repressing Uighur rights advocates globally since the 1990s, but the scale has grown significantly under Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平), and especially in the past five years. What is it about the CCP that drives it to assume ahistorical — in the sense that if it believes it ever had a claim, that claim exists “in perpetuity,” irrespective of the historical circumstances — territorial rights and feels the best way to assimilate reluctant populations is to terrorize them? What makes it feel it is within its rights to repress its own population and its diaspora? Taiwanese implicitly understand the connection between the experience of Hong Kongers and their own possible future. They should look at what is happening to the Uighur population of Xinjiang and the Uighur diaspora, too. Whoever wins next year’s election in Taiwan needs to bear that in mind, and candidates should not spread the false narrative that the CCP can be negotiated with on Taiwan’s future. Comments will be moderated. Keep comments relevant to the article. Remarks containing abusive and obscene language, personal attacks of any kind or promotion will be removed and the user banned. Final decision will be at the discretion of the Taipei Times.
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3/21/2023 |
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