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分享絕對實驗室,一個錢包關係管理™平台賦予營銷智能構建和完美地執行Web3 CRM活動,與Aglae企業已經籌集了800萬美元的種子資金,MoonPay,基礎附近三星接下來,閃耀企業(Animoca品牌)和其他人。當前的用戶平台包括路易威登、沙箱,Moonpay Mocaverse和其他領先品牌。絕對是唯一Web3 WRM平台解決方案授權增長前景和營銷團隊獲得關鍵的見解和客戶,統一Web2與Web3鏈數據,確定可行的片段,和自動化橫跨海峽的運動,包括非功能性測試空投在整個營銷漏鬥。絕對實驗室——第一個錢包關係管理(WRM)平台,是增長和營銷團隊如何獲得方式的一場革命,參與,轉換,並留住客戶在未來互聯網——宣布的800萬美元的種子輪包括Aglae企業籌集資金,α執政官的資本,奢侈品基金,基礎附近MoonPay, Plassa首都Punja全球企業,三星接下來,閃耀企業(Animoca品牌),和W3i。“我們很高興與絕對的實驗室探索Web3數據和如何增強客戶體驗。他們的解決方案將作為奢侈品關鍵和快速消費品品牌進一步打入Web3。“Web3 CRM平台已經信任了開拓者,如路易威登MoonPay,沙箱,Mocaverse (Animoca品牌),和其他人,是使品牌能夠接受並利用錢包數據公共blockchains見解獲得深度數據,建立可操作的部分,和自動化橫跨海峽的運動,包括非功能性測試空氣下降,培養社會社區參與,等等。“WRM™誕生於實現現有Web2 CRM解決方案既不能夠或定位來滿足的需求和機遇blockchain-based營銷,“說絕對實驗室首席執行官和共同創始人,薩米爾Addamine。“錢包鑰匙一切Web3——從證明身份,提供value-rich品牌經驗,促進支付,創建“所有權”客戶和更多的機會。我們自豪的伴侶分享我們的信仰,任何品牌識別Web3必須有巨大的潛力絕對WRM™的核心組件martech堆棧。” Speaking on their partnership with absolute labs, Vanessa Grellet, Managing Partner at Aglaé Ventures, said – “We are delighted to support a pioneer that is directly at the crossroads of Web2 and Web3 technologies. absolute labs’ innovative ways to leverage data analytics, CRM and marketing automation supports the adoption of Web3 and creates opportunities for brand engagement.” Franck Le Moal, Chief Information Officer, LVMH commented: “We are delighted to work with absolute labs to explore Web3 data and how this can enhance client experience. Their solution will be pivotal as luxury and FMCG brands push further into Web3.” Speaking on their long-standing collaboration with absolute labs, Julien Pageaud of Sparkle Ventures said – “We have been a proud supporter of absolute labs since the beginning and are thrilled at the potential to purposefully bridge the largest and most successful Web2 companies to Web3 technologies. absolute WRM platform promises to provide an intuitive pathway for leading brands and emerging companies to engage with the growing number of Web3 customers.” Abhay Mav, Head of Moonpay Ventures, said “Absolute labs’ vision of the WRM™ platform aligns strongly with our mission of making it easier for millions of users to experience Web3 and thereby onboard a billion users to Web3. We see their WRM platform as an essential component of the marketing ecosystem to support both native Web3 and Web2 brands into this incredible, evolving, new space and we are proud to be their partner.” Quentin Reyes, Managing Director of Alpha Praetorian Capital, said “Absolute Labs is poised to address a critical need in the market with their groundbreaking Web3 CRM software. With the rise of decentralized communities, businesses are in dire need of a comprehensive solution that can effectively manage their marketing and community needs. Absolute Labs has the vision and expertise to deliver on this promise, and we’re thrilled to support their efforts to revolutionize the way companies engage with their customers.”
日期 |
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公司 |
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
4/11/2023 |
種子風投 |
絕對的實驗室 |
8美元 |
是的 |
2 |
4/4/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
多麵體網絡 |
15美元 |
是的 |
1 |
3/1/2023 |
種子風投 |
Helika |
4美元 |
是的 |
1 |
12/6/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
11/28/2022 |
一個係列 |
日期 |
4/11/2023 |
4/4/2023 |
3/1/2023 |
12/6/2022 |
11/28/2022 |
輪 |
種子風投 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子風投 |
種子VC -二世 |
一個係列 |
公司 |
絕對的實驗室 |
多麵體網絡 |
Helika |
量 |
8美元 |
15美元 |
4美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
2 |
1 |
1 |