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美通社舊金山,2023年6月14日,下一階段的增長進一步驅動可靠和改變遊戲規則的AI功能為政府和商業客戶舊金山6月14日2023 /底漆技術,從一個AI / ML科技公司專門從事AI-powered數據分析,今天宣布一係列D輪第一次接近69美元加速信任的人工智能解決方案的交付為美國政府和商業客戶。該公司還宣布肖恩·莫裏亞蒂最近被任命為首席執行官,他們帶來了幾十年的技術和領導經驗,以前葉集團控股高級主管的角色,Ticketmaster, Metacloud。資金是由加法,參與從美國這個資金使底漆加速研發生成AI和先進的機器學習模型,發展人才,繼續成熟的產品提供。與定製的大型語言模型已經集成在其安全功能,底漆轉變是分析師、經營者和決策者理解大量的開源和專有數據和減少時間決定。通過自動化手動任務和工作流,他們的工作會更有效率,抓住每一個效率,運用其獨特的專業知識發現的優點隱藏在他們的數據。“底漆的AI平台和產品提供必要的工具,那些支持和捍衛我們的民主和本輪資金將幫助我們提供更多、更快,”肖恩·莫裏亞蒂說,底漆的首席執行官。“我們致力於提供可信、可靠的人工智能解決方案實現的最重要的任務。”Sean Moriarty has more than 25 years of experience in B2B and B2C technology businesses, leading multiple companies to scale and commercial success. He is currently the lead independent director at Eventbrite and has served on the board of directors of over a dozen companies, both privately held and publicly traded. He serves as Ambassador to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and is the former Co-Chair of the Pat Tillman Foundation. "This new round of funding and the company's new leadership strengthen Primer's industry-leading position and its ability to deliver advanced AI applications for Government and Commercial customers," said Lee Fixel of Addition. "Sean's experience building strong teams and success bringing disruptive technologies to market make him the right leader to drive Primer's continued growth and innovation." "AI is revolutionizing the defense space, from intelligence gathering and threat analysis to decision support systems," said Peter Tague, Managing Partner of USIT and member of Primer's board. "Primer is developing cutting-edge decision support technology for national security and military organizations that has mission critical applications. We're proud to support Primer as they continue delivering competitive advantages for the United States and its allies." Today's announcement builds on Primer's ongoing success in delivering practical AI solutions to its customers. Since 2020, Primer has worked with USSOCOM, Air Force and Army officials to develop and enhance the machine learning capabilities of our forces, from mission planning and predictive logistics to speeding up intelligence and decision cycles. In parallel, it delivers solutions to Fortune 100 companies looking to make sense of their data in order to seize every efficiency and reduce time to insight and decision-making. The company recently launched the Primer Delta platform, a self-curating knowledge base that can analyze millions of documents in seconds. Deployable on-premises and in the cloud within hours, analysts can securely search through large-scale document caches and databases to extract the information that matters. Organizations looking to experiment with a smaller batch of documents can now procure Delta Lite directly from AWS Marketplace . Primer's native AI platforms Primer Delta and Primer Command are powered by its proprietary NLP technology, which is built on transformer-based neural networks, making its solutions models faster, more accurate, and customizable to customer data and workflows. About Primer Primer exists to make the world a safer place. We believe that AI is critical to accelerating intelligence and decision cycles that keep us safe. Our AI technology is deployed by the U.S. Government, strategic allies, and Fortune 100 companies to extract timely insight and decision advantage from massive datasets. Primer has offices in Arlington, Virginia and San Francisco, California . For more information, please visit https://primer.ai/ View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/primer-announces-69m-in-funding-to-accelerate-ai-enabled-information-advantage-301850176.html SOURCE Primer
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來源 |
12/2/2022 |
E係列 |
Anduril |
1480美元 |
是的 |
15 |
9/27/2022 |
一個係列 |
形成生物 |
30美元 |
是的 |
3 |
6/10/2022 |
種子風投 |
大西洋量子 |
9美元 |
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3/22/2022 |
Unattributed VC |
3/9/2022 |
一個係列 |
日期 |
12/2/2022 |
9/27/2022 |
6/10/2022 |
3/22/2022 |
3/9/2022 |
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一個係列 |
種子風投 |
Unattributed VC |
一個係列 |
公司 |
Anduril |
形成生物 |
大西洋量子 |
量 |
1480美元 |
30美元 |
9美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
15 |
3 |
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