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日本啟動肉桂,開發一個文檔閱讀引擎“白領”企業,周一宣布,它已獲得一筆資金的投資。參與的投資者是太好夥伴(Makoto Takano由天使投資人),Monex企業,向量,則控股和四個天使投資人:Toru島田(樂天前副總統)、守Taniya(阿蘇卡資產管理公司的首席執行官和總裁),Akihiko Mori (Renova首席財務官),Kazuhiro Ishikura CFO(3分鍾)。Miku Hirano裸體的創立者之一,技術,然後賣給日本互聯網巨頭Mixi,於2016年創建了這家公司。以前稱為辣肉桂,公司開發了照片共享應用程序“秒”和“PicChat”,但後來改變了商業模式從目標消費者定位業務。辣的關鍵成員肉桂對球隊的陣容仍然玩,但法人團體已經被修正,所以目前尚不清楚是否“主”這個詞。該公司的主要重點是狙擊槍(機器人過程自動化)類2解決亞麻掃描儀,它使用文檔閱讀引擎“肉桂AI”也由該公司開發的。而不是簡單的OCR(光學字符識別),卷積神經網絡(CNN),這是一種深度學習,最終達到準確的文檔閱讀的精確率99%或更多。最大的特點是不僅文檔閱讀,還可以理解的係統文檔的上下文語義的方式和獲取信息,數據庫和其他係統可以很容易地處理。具體用例包括合同、簡曆、銷售進度報告、醫學圖表、手寫的申請表格,房產信息,收據,等。特別是,它預計將在金融、保險等領域的利用紙文檔是豐富的,它集四倍的一般目標業務速度和降低成本的四分之一。除了亞麻掃描儀,肉桂也開始開發和提供其他人工智能解決方案,比如青金石引擎,匹配用戶和產品,chatbot Scuro機器人。 Cinnamon’s operation maintains the same network from its Spicy Cinnamon days: business development and sales are mainly conducted in Japan and Singapore, whereas most of the system development, including AI technology, is done in Vietnam. While it is said that it is difficult to hire AI engineers in Southeast Asia, Cinnamon CTO Hajime Hotta, who also serves as a mentor for AI startup specialized accelerator Zeroth.AI , himself went to Vietnam, gathered students showing high potential from the top three universities, and successfully trained the AI engineers through a 6 month internship program. In addition to strengthening the basic technology and UI of the AI products, the funds raised this time appear to be going towards strengthening the organizational structure in Vietnam and Japan. In the same field, serial entrepreneur Changsoo Lee from Korea, who exited from his mobile game analytics startup called 5Rocks , founded Allganize to develop an automated system for businesses in Silicon Valley through machine learning, and raised 1 million dollars last November from the KDDI Open Innovation Fund. Translated by Amanda Imasaka
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6/2/2023 |
B係列 |
ecbo |
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3 |
11/28/2022 |
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0.15美元 |
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7/27/2022 |
天使 |
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7/1/2022 |
天使 |
6/8/2022 |
天使 |
日期 |
6/2/2023 |
11/28/2022 |
7/27/2022 |
7/1/2022 |
6/8/2022 |
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天使 |
天使 |
天使 |
公司 |
ecbo |
可以吃 |
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0.15美元 |
新的嗎? |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
3 |
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