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Thirstie紮克Brandenberg是飲料的聯合創始人兼首席執行官控股一家科技公司的數字平台幫助商人和在線零售商出售和船的葡萄酒。2019年是一個充滿了零售創新,特別是在雜貨店。機器人之間交付服務和經驗彈出窗口,看起來好像我們已經掌握了我們對消費者行為的理解和創造產品和服務來滿足這些需求。然而,有一個類別,尚未使飛躍:酒精飲料。這是導致行業每年損失數十億的銷售機會。一個行業成熟的創新更好地理解未開發的機會,酒飲料的禮物,打開的曆史是很重要的產業,它是如何導致了當前狀態。後禁止和廢除1933年第18修正案,美國建立了一個三層係統漏鬥分布的酒精通過生產商,分銷商和零售商。當時,為了確保創建的係統沒有一個實體可以壟斷市場,拉艾爾·卡彭。許可頒發飲料這種情況下是很重要的。不像其他產品類別分布相當精簡,酒飲料帶來了它自己的一套複雜的聯邦和州的水平。 Navigating the three-tier system in the age of e-commerce has proven to be quite difficult. So while people continue to purchase alcohol from liquor stores, grocery and convenience stores as they always have, alcohol’s share of wallet drops by 88 percent online, simply due to a lack of awareness that alcohol can be conveniently shipped to homes much like books and toaster ovens. To underscore the complexity and lack of competition, consider this: Even Amazon hasn’t cracked alcohol e-commerce. The company had to exit online beverage alcohol sales following their acquisition of Whole Foods. Now, they’re slowly opening tiny liquor stores , not as a small-format store concept, but rather as a technicality in order to deliver alcohol in certain zip codes. That’s how complicated it is to navigate this system. Capitalizing on DTC trends The mention of e-commerce and DTC instantly conjures visions of brands like Warby Parker, Casper and Dollar Shave Club. These brands all have one thing in common: Each capitalized on markets dominated by large players that had not innovated in the space, and injected the DTC pillars of convenience, curation and value to attract consumers. Now, mattresses are a $14 billion market with 45% e-commerce penetration, and razors are a $3 billion market with 12% e-commerce penetration. But neither market presents anywhere near the opportunity that beverage alcohol does. Wine alone is a $70 billion market with less than 1% e-commerce penetration — signaling an enormous untapped opportunity for retailers and wineries. With the advent of e-commerce, consumers are also more willing than ever to try new brands and products, and nowhere is that more prevalent than in alcohol purchases. From spiked seltzers to canned wines, there is plenty of product innovation and market curiosity. E-commerce has also given retailers access to vast amounts of data that can be used to make curation of e-storefronts more personalized. For consumers who are used to staring at an endless wall of wine or spirits, those shifts translate to a more convenient and customized shopping experience. Bringing in-store experiences online will require a concerted investment in technology to support the logistics of alcohol distribution on a national scale. That’s not to say that e-commerce is the end-all-be-all solution — rather, it’s an incredibly important part of the channel mix that brands should chase after. A combination of in-store and online experiences guarantees meeting consumers where they are, and providing them with a seamless service that caters to them when they need to get alcohol in bulk, in a pinch, and for every hosting and gathering in between. But why now? The past year saw mounting pressure for grocery retailers competing in the age of Amazon, and beverage alcohol offered an entry point for a competitive advantage. Costco announced alcohol delivery from 200 club stores. Aldi expanded alcohol delivery via Instacart, and Walmart announced curbside alcohol pickup for customers. More than anything, the increased investment and activity legitimized the opportunity that exists, and will surely start a race among retailers to win the alcohol business of their customers, both in-store and online.
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9/7/2018 |
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飲料 |
15美元 |
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種子VC -二世 |
日期 |
9/7/2018 |
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種子VC -二世 |
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飲料 |
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15美元 |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
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